Friends of Storeton Woods: Volunteers with a fantastic history.

Like me you will have visited Storeton Woods a countless number of times. Whilst you may have not of heard of the Friends of Storeton Woods (FOSW), you will have benefited from their tireless work over the last 30 plus years.

Paul Wallington, the groups secretary pointed me towards their extensive website ( It features the full and rich history of the woods as well as the group itself. There are stories about the woods ranging from it’s history as a quarry, the discovery of a dinosaur and its influence on the people of Bebington through the ages.

The group describes how it came into creation “Friends of Storeton Woods (F.O.S.W) was established in 1989, when local residents of Bebington started to raise funds to buy the neglected Scott’s Woods, with help from the Woodland Trust.  The F.O.S.W managed to raise £20,000 which was matched by the Woodland Trust to buy the land for £32,000 (£1,000 per acre) from the original owner. To this date F.O.S.W main goals and roles still stand:

  • to provide financial support towards the necessary costs of maintaining the woods.
  • to manage and assist regular and emergency repair work within the woods.
  • to ensure the woods remains the popular place of relaxation.
  • to ensure the natural beauty and wild life are protected for future generations.”

Paul explains the layout of the woods. “the wood between Marsh Lane and Rest Hill Road, belongs to the Woodland Trust and the Friends of Storeton Woods help them look after it. The woods between Rest Hill Road and Red Hill (the one with the TV Transmitter in it) is known as Hancock’s Wood and belongs to Leverhulme Estates. The two woods together are known as “Storeton Woods”

The group run a range of events and work days where members and the public can chip in and help maintain the woods. They’re also offering an evening with a guest speaker. This talk, on the history of Storeton Woods and the quarries, is being given by David Casement. Details of this talk can be found at the bottom of this article.

The group runs a popular Facebook page, where they provide more information and photographs around the work they do.

So next time you’re in the woods and you come across the FOSW, make sure you thank them for the work they do! Why not attend their evening talk in September and see how you can get involved. Together we can keep a popular visitors’ spot in Bebington in great shape.

Monday 26th September

“The history of Storeton Woods and the Quarries” by David Casement

Lower Bebington Methodist Church 7:30.

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