Bebington remembers her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Yesterday we received the sad news that the Queen had passed in confort in Balmoral with her son King Charles and Princess Anne at her side.

Local Flags fly at half mast. Books of condolences open across Wirral and the rest of the country. Nearer to home Facebook is flooded with heart felt messages of appreciation.

Tranmere Rovers match with Stockport is postponed. Local pubs and social clubs have cancelled events. Our own Brighter Bebington, who planned to leave jubilee bunting up to lift local spirits, have made the sombre decision to begin removing it.

In a mark of respect local church bells rang out in memory of her Majesty. While many of us will never have met the Queen, she has touched all of our lives. Almost all of us will feel a profound loss, like we have lost one of our own. As we enter the official period of mourning, we come together. Let us remember, what has been for many of us, one of the few pillars of consistency who served her country with dignity and duty.

We remember the Queen, God save the King.

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